The Branch
The other day i started my walk on a narrow path in the arboretum. I had some troubling thoughts on my mind that were distracting me. Not...
The Rose Bush
We have all had something in our lives that was wonderful that we had to let go of. The detriment eventually outweighed the benefit on...
Rhythms versus Routines
Rhythms are routines with much greater implications. A routine tends to be associated with a habit. Good habits to start. Bad ones to...
Walk the Talk
Talking the talk requires no risk of failure. It comes with admiration and an ego charge. The only price we pay is the exertion of air -...
Forged in the Fire
I look around at the trials and tribulation our society is facing from this virus. I look at the impact on our young adult children. I...
The Bounce of the Ball
Picture a rubber ball as it is dropped to the ground. Once it hits it should bounce. If it is super elastic it could bounce all the way...
A Love Renewed
Words such as reunited and reconciled do not truly describe the feelings one has. When it happens, it is like the bluest sky you have...
The Never Ending Eulogy
Sometimes when a relationship dies we get caught in a never ending eulogy at the gravesite of the dead relationship. At the funeral, we...
The Thorn
We all have had a sorrow, a pain that does not seem to go away no matter how hard we try to "push it out". Think of it like a thorn in...
Keeping up the Right Appearances
Snoopyism: Linus sees Snoopy all down in the dumps and says "What's going on Snoopy?" Snoopy says "Going through some tough times." Linus...