The Distance Between Us Was Too Far To Go
From: There is No Secret This is a lyric from a Phil Collins song. " The Distance Between Us was Too Far To Go". We can view the...
A Piece of Fine China
From: There is No Secret The FRAGILITY of relationships.... like our Fine China. Many people store (hide) their fine china away in the...
What Makes "Making Love" - Special
From: There is no Secret This will sound like a strange comparison, but lets start with the metal Bronze. Bronze is actually several...
The Narcissist ( Basket of Apples)
From : There is No Secret Narcissist - ego-centric, self-absorbed, self-centered, selfish, egotist Compassion, respect, tolerance,...
The Line
From: There is No Secret When we were little and there were pick up games, there was an imaginary line. When you were picked you were on...
The Piercing - Stud Removal
From: There is No Secret Bad Habits = Stud/Nose Piercing Some bad habits can feel good, like a nose stud looks cool. The point is that...
Our Role in the Production
From : There is No Secret Let's say you are chosen to play a role in a production of a play. Of course you see yourself in the Lead Role....
Rocks in the Gears
I had a beautiful shotgun once. I would clean it every time i would use it. To hunt the marsh is expensive and a major production. One...
Speed Bumps
We all know those traffic raised devices placed in the street-speed bumps. They are not put there to ruin your car. If we go the speed...
The Flipped Life Raft - Head for the Island
So life has thrown you into the ocean. You can tread water or head for that island in the distance. You are swimming along and here comes...