The Flipped Life Raft - Head for the Island
So life has thrown you into the ocean. You can tread water or head for that island in the distance. You are swimming along and here comes someone offering you a space in their life raft. Nice. They convince you to start paddling in the opposite direction to a different island. Everything is going great.
Suddenly they flip you out of the life raft into the ocean.
Again you turn to your island and start swimming. You are making headway. You can see the shore. Wow, you see that hand and that life raft again alongside.
Decision. You better swim like hell to your island. You will feel good about your time in the water, and who knows what waits for you on the island.
FOOTNOTE: If that lifeboat is headed towards your island, get in and make sure the other person is paddling like hell, too (TO YOUR ISLAND)