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The Rose Bush

We have all had something in our lives that was wonderful that we had to let go of. The detriment eventually outweighed the benefit on the scales of life.

I can compare it to a bush of beautiful roses. The most beautiful roses you have ever seen with an aroma that soothed you to your core. Let's say you are immersed in that rose bush, totally surrounded by the branches. You are very careful. A small prick here and there is of no matter and well worth it.

That is until a storm arrives. When it does, there is no smell, the petals are blown away. The thorns scratch you from head to toe. The storm passes, the petals and smells return-the wounds heal.

Too many storms and the wounds don't heal. You become more aware of the scars than the scents and the beauty. Too bad there wasn't the rose bush without the storms.

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