The View of the Game
From: "There is No Secret" Here is a different perspective on "looking at a problem". Chess players look down at their board and...
The Recipe
From: There is No Secret You start off with a base recipe of what someone else had success with. Then you add a "pinch" of this and a...
Piece of Fine China
From: "There is No Secret" Think of our relationships like a piece of fine china. Do we hide them away deep in the back of a closet, only...
The Runaway Train
From: "There is No Secret" Picture it - a train careening around curves, blowing past stops. The scenery is a blur. Sometimes we feel...
From: "There is No Secret" Dreams, Goals, Visions are like beautifull vases that are empty. If we fill them with action then they have...
The Tool Box
From: "There is No Secret" A DIY project on your home can be compared to a "life issue". The repair is needed pretty quickly, like a leak...
The Knot
From: "There is No Secret" We all have issues to resolve. The standard approach is to roll up our sleeves and get right after it. ...
The Man or Woman in the Mirror
From: "There is No Secret" When we look at ourselves in the mirror we should look much deeper. We know what type of person we are, not...
Rays of Sunshine
From: "There is No Secret" One of my favorites. We can view (literally) our troubles or anxieties like dark ominous clouds that fill the...
Sifting the Sands of Our Lives
From: "There is No Secret" Watching children at play in the sand we can see how easily they sift the sand between their fingers. When...