The Log Jam in the River
I think of impediments in our lives like logs floating in a river. Our life is the river and we are paddling down it in a boat. We can be...
The Bully in the School Yard
We all know that bully. He is the one who tells us we are weak. He is the one who pokes us in the chest and pushes us down. Finally,...
The Rubber Band
Picture a rubber band that you keep stretching over and over. If you look closely you can see the sides becoming frayed and breaking...
The Elephant Sitting on the Gnat
Picturing this really makes me laugh. In the first scenario we see the elephant as our problems or our issues. The gnat is our joy and...
Pot Holes in the Road
You know that pot hole in the road that caused the flat tire and wheel alignment repair. It should not have happened. Had the road been...
Picture your life like a stage production. Sometimes there is a drama going on. We have choices on where we are. Are we a part of the...
Looking Back, Looking Past
Have you ever let an inconvenience or incident ruin a trip? Instead you could have stopped and looked back at how much you anticipated...
In the Clouds or On the Sea
From: "There is No Secret" . Two views. Two places you can be. Picture you out on the ocean. It is very windy. The seas are rough and you...
The Snowball Effect
From: "There is No Secret" Let's picture a small snowball at the top of a snowy hill. I starts rolling downhill getting bigger and...
The Replayed CD
From: "There is No Secret" We have all had a terrible part of our lives. That event creates a painful memory. We do all we can to "move...