Choose the Pie, not the Sting

Sometimes we reach back to a painful relationship that has ended. It can be as simple as thoughts about it. We are reaching back for the comfort part, the security part, even the certainty part of the relationship that felt good. It is like reaching for the wild honeycomb remembering the taste of the honey. Watch out! Here comes that bee sting! We don't remember that when we had that honey, at the end we had the stings.
The main point here is we are getting the stings, but we will never get the taste of that honey again.
What we don't realize is that there are many many other "sweet things" out there in front of us that don't come with stings. They are our future-not our past. We need to ALLOW ourselves to be pulled forward by them, like the smell of that fresh baked pie luring us to that first sweet bite.